my training + credentials
Somatic EMDR Certification Program | The Embody Lab
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Mentorship Program | The Embody Lab
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification Program | The Embody Lab
Healing Trauma Course | Dr. Peter Levine
Trauma and Birth: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Prevention and Healing | Perinatal Support Washington (PSI).
Biology of Trauma & Healing: Applications of Functional Medicine | Dr. Aimie Apigian & The Embody Lab
Trauma Focused Nia Training | Elaine Wolf
Parts Work + Attachment Work
Somatic Parts Work Certification Level 1, 2, 3 | Frances D. Booth LICSW & The Embody Lab
Somatic Attachment Therapy Certification Program | The Embody Lab
The Neurobiology of Attachment | NICAMB
A Parts Approach to Preverbal and Attachment Trauma | Dr. Frank Anderson & NICAMB
Inner Relationship Focusing | Dr. Maureen Gallagher & The Embody Lab
Mind Body Coaching
Mind Body Coaching Certification Program | The Embody Lab
Polyvagal Theory and Pathways to Connection | Deb Dana LCSW, Founding Member PVI & The Embody Lab
Mental Wellness + Perinatal Mental Health
Strategies to Help Clients Heal from Patterns of Gaslighting and Manipulation | National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)
Best Practices in Prevention, Identification and Treatment of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) | Perinatal Support Washington (PSI)
Expert Strategies for Working with Anxiety | National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)
Practical Brain-Focused Strategies for Working With Depression | National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)
Holding Space for Abortion | The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death
Birthing Beyond the Binary | king yaa
Therapeutic Movement
Nia Black Belt Art of Creation Certification | The Nia Technique, Inc
Nia Brown Belt Art of Perception Certification | The Nia Technique, Inc,
Nia Blue Belt Art of Communication Certification | The Nia Technique, Inc,
Nia Moving To Heal Intensive Certification | The Nia Technique, Inc,
Nia White Belt Art of Sensation Certification | The Nia Technique, Inc,
Bereavement Support
Strategies to Help Clients Process Grief & Loss | National Institue for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)
Bereavement Training: Perinatal Death | Resolve Through Sharing® (RTS)
Theoretical Framework of Grief | Resolve Through Sharing® (RTS)
Communication with the Bereaved | Resolve Through Sharing® (RTS)
Caring for the Family Experiencing Perinatal Death |Resolve Through Sharing® (RTS)
Energy Healing Practitioner
Reiki Practitioner Certification | The Usui System of Natural Healing
ThetaHealing® Practitioner Certification | Theta Institute of Knowledge