My Holistic Approach

  • Resourcing

    We will work together to build your capacity for being with whatever emotions, feelings, thoughts and parts of self that may arise during our time together. These take away tools are designed to support systemic change + long term wellbeing.

  • Companioning

    Embrace the depth of your feelings and be seen, heard, and companioned by the compassionate presence of another that uniquely understands how to honor and hold space for all of your lived experiences.

  • Somatic Practices

    Using process-oriented, evidence-based, bottom-up approaches to care, we will cultivate an embodied presence to help you come into a compassionate relationship with your lived experience support self-healing and embodied transformation.

  • Integration

    Gain self-insight into what this means for your life and be empowered to take embodied action towards healing and integration.